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Table 2 The MMSE, GDS-15, and NfL levels between MDD and MCI/AD

From: Cluster analysis dissecting cognitive deficits in older adults with major depressive disorder and the association with neurofilament light chain


MDD (n=39)

MCI/AD (n=15)

P value

MMSE, Maximum score (SD)

MMSE total, 30a

27.13 (2.56)

22.33 (3.42)


 Orientation, 10

9.44 (0.94)

7.60 (1.60)


 Attention and calculation, 8

7.10 (1.21)

5.40 (1.12)


 Memory, 3

2.10 (0.99)

1.53 (1.25)


 Language, 5

4.72 (0.69)

4.80 (0.86)


 Comprehension, 3

2.79 (0.47)

2.06 (0.88)


 Construction, 1

0.97 (0.16)

0.93 (0.26)


GDS-15 (SD)a

5.94 (4.36)

3.20 (2.96)


NfL levels (SD)

15.69 (8.81)

28.95 (17.04)


  1. MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, GDS-15 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale, NfL neurofilament light chain, MDD major depressive disorder, MCI mild cognitive impairment, AD Alzheimer’s disease
  2. *p < 0.05
  3. **p < 0.01
  4. ***p < 0.001
  5. aAnalysis with non-parametric Wilcoxon rank sum test