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Table 2 Participants’ chronic medical conditions (N = 192)

From: Influence of chronic medical conditions on older patients’ willingness to deprescribe medications: a cross-sectional study

Number of chronic medical conditions


median (IQR)

6 (5–7)

Number of chronic medical conditionsa

n (%)

 ≤ 3 medical conditions

16 (8.3)

 4 to 5 medical conditions

58 (30.2)

 6 to 7 medical conditions

74 (38.5)

 ≥ 8 medical conditions

44 (22.9)

Chronic medical conditions

n (%)

 Myocardial infarction (history of)

13 (6.8)

 Coronary disease/angina

25 (13)

 Congestive heart failure

17 (8.9)


164 (85.4)


147 (76.6)

 Peripheral vascular disease

63 (32.8)

 Cerebrovascular disease

14 (7.3)

 Hemiplegia or paraplegia

9 (4.7)

 Other neurologic disease b

11 (5.7)

 Chronic pulmonary disease

18 (9.4)

 Diabetes without end-organ damage

47 (24.5)

 Diabetes with end organ

7 (3.6)

 Chronic renal disease (moderate to severe)

3 (1.6)

 Mild liver disease

8 (4.2)

 Moderate to severe liver disease


 Gastric disease (any history of ulcer disease treatment or prevention, ulcer bleeding, or GERD)

78 (40.6)

 Prostate disease (benign hypertrophy, neoplasia)

30 (15.6)

 Neoplasia (solid tumor other than prostate)

29 (15.1)

 Metastatic solid tumor

2 (1.04)


4 (2.1)

 Arthrosis, spinal disorders, or rheumatoid arthritis

188 (97.9)

 Chronic pain

68 (35.4)


31 (16.1)

 Overweight or obesity

72 (37.5)


67 (34.9)

 Anxiety, panic disorder

82 (42.7)


4 (2.1)

Age-adjusted Charlson Comorbidity Indexc (N= 192)


Median (IQR)

9 (8–11)

  1. Abbreviations: IQR: interquartile range; GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease
  2. a) Chronic medical conditions divided into categories according to frequency
  3. b) All neurological conditions, excluding dementia, hemiplegia, or paraplegia
  4. c) The age-adjusted Charlson Comorbidity Index (age-adjusted CCI) combines the comorbidity burden measured by the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) and age in a single index, and the total score increases by 1 for each additional decade over 40 [48]. The CCI total score relates to predicting 1- and 10-year mortality [50]. The maximum age-adjusted CCI is 37 points