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Table 2 Summary of implementation outcome measures

From: Boosting inpatient exercise after hip fracture using an alternative workforce: a mixed methods implementation evaluation


Data collected


Length of stay: (calendar nights from electronic medical records)

Primary outcome: acute care ward length of stay

Rehabilitation ward length of stay

Total hospital length of stay

Performance tests:

* 30-s chair-stand test at Day 7 post-operatively

* Modified Iowa Level of Assistance at Day 7 post-operatively


Adverse events:

* Incident reports from existing standardised reporting mechanisms (Incident Information Management System) in NSW Health

* Records of clinical emergency response system calls from medical records

* Complication data from medical records

* Intensive care admission data from medical records

Discharge destinations:

* Discharge destination from the acute care ward, rehabilitation ward (if relevant) and supports needed on discharge services, sourced from medical records


* Qualitative interview, focus group and survey data from patients, carers, and healthcare staff involved in the implementation, and/or providing orthogeriatric care

Open and closed question survey data will be reported here, with qualitative interview and focus group data reported separately

Feasibility and uptake

* Physiotherapy occasions of service from existing standardised reporting mechanisms in NSW Health to measure adherence to intervention

(This was compared to predicted occasions of service as per individual site implementation plans.)

* Uptakeā€”percentage of eligible patients who were provided the higher daily frequency intervention

* Explanatory audit data from medical records regarding reasons for non-adherence to intervention (e.g. reasons for declining participation in session, early cessation of treatment)

Implementation cost (health service perspective)

* Hospital costs using existing data generated by local hospital clinical coding department based on ICD-10 diagnostic coding

* Staffing costs/time for implementing non-physiotherapy workforce including supervision, upskilling, training incorporating existing requirements