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Table 1 Group characteristics, mean (SD)

From: Does long-term recreational gymnastics prevent injurious falls in older women? A prospective 20-year follow-up


Sedentary controls

n = 84

Recreational gymnasts

n = 103


n = 187

Missing cases

n = 56

Age at baseline 1997, years

62.1 (4.6)

63.3 (5.9)*

62.8 (5.4)

62.3 (5.2)

Height at baseline, cm

161.4 (5.8)

160.8 (5.2)

161.1 (5.5)

162.2 (5.3)

Weight at baseline, kg

68.4 (10.4)

66.7 (9.6)*

67.5 (10.0)

67.6 (9.9)


26.3 (3.8)

25.8 (3.5)

26.0 (3.6)

25.7 (3.3)

Age at register 2018, years

81.3 (5.1)

82.8 (5.6)

82.1 (5.4)


Follow-up time, years

19.3 (3.1)

19.6 (2.4)

19.4 (2.7)


Range of follow-up, years



5.6 – 21.0

  1. *Statistically significant difference between groups, p < 0.05