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Table 3 Adapted Guidance for Reporting Involvement of Patients and the Public 2, short form [15]

From: Patient and public involvement in dementia research in the European Union: a scoping review

Section and topic


1: Countrya

EU country the PPI study was conducted

2: Aim

Report the aim of PPI

3: PPI term useda

Term used to describe PPI

4: Populationa

Which patient or public population took part in PPI

5: Methods

Provide a clear description of the methods used for PPI

6: Study results

Report the results of PPI on the research process impact on researchers and PPI members, including both positive and negative outcomes

7: Discussion and conclusions

Comment on the extent to which PPI influenced the study overall

8: Reflections/critical perspective

Comment critically on the study, reflecting on the aspects of involvement that went well and those that did not

9: Evaluation methodsa

Methods used to evaluate the impact of PPI on researchers, on patient and public involved, on the research process

10: Findings from evaluationa

The impact of PPI on researchers, on patient and public involved, on the research process

  1. (aadapted sections)