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Table 3 Sample patient characteristics

From: Predicting outcomes within an innovative post-acute rehabilitation model for older adults


Mean (SD) or N (%)


 Under 60

943 (3.1)


580 (1.9)


1588 (5.3)


2400 (8.0)


3670 (12.2)


5906 (19.7)


7612 (25.4)


7302 (24.3)

Sex: female

20,757 (69.4)

Place of service


19,439 (64.8)

 Senior living community

10,562 (35.2)

Chronic conditions


2450 (8.1)


1998 (6.7)


1541 (5.1)


3006 (10.0)

 Diabetes mellitus

5447 (18.2)


1495 (5.0)


1947 (6.5)


7966 (26.6)


4852 (16.2)

  1. *Zero percent of variables were missing except for sex (0.003)