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Table 1 Demographics of participants and their homes. (n = 20 homes)

From: Evaluation of the Home Environment Assessment for the Visually Impaired (HEAVI): an instrument designed to quantify fall-related hazards in the visually impaired



Age, mean (SD)

63.1 (18.8)

Age, years, range


Male, n (%)

5 (25.0%)

Race, n (%)


18 (90.0%)


2 (10.0%)

Education in years, mean (SD)

15.6 (2.6)

Lives alone, n (%)

8 (40.0%)

Married, n (%)

9 (45.0%)

Employed, n (%)

9 (45.0%)

Dwelling type, n (%)


13 (65.0%)


7 (35.0%)

Housing status, n (%)


16 (88.9%)


2 (11.1%)

Number of floors, n (SD)

2.1 (0.9)

Number of rooms, n (SD)

4.4 (1.2)

Housing size, square feet, mean (SD)

2,202 (877)a

  1. aData unavailable for seven homes