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Table 1 Protocol components, measures and variables of interest

From: Understanding the role of contrasting urban contexts in healthy aging: an international cohort study using wearable sensor devices (the CURHA study protocol)

Protocol component


Derived variables of interest (non-exhaustive list)

7-day GPS and accelerometer

Daily mobility, physical activity, sedentary time

Activity space indicators, time spent in various locations, distance travelled, transportation modes used, number of steps, sedentary time, light activity, mvpa

7-day diary of self-reported destinations and social contacts

Complementary information on transportation modes used, destination types, and social contacts

Transportation modes, number of in-person social contacts

VERITAS socio-spatial questionnaire

Location of regular destinations, frequency of visit, social network characteristics, novel socio-spatial indicators

Regular destination activity space indicators, social network size, strengths, spatial print of social network

Qualitative assessment of mobility and place experience (Go-along method)

Qualitative assessment of sens of place, meanings of mobility

Understanding meaning of mobility, urban environment characteristics, and social networks for aging

CAPI Questionnaires

Numerous outcomes and control variables including health and perceived environment

Health outcomes of interest include well-being, happiness, mental health, physical activity, social participation

Geographic Information Systems

Land use, transportation infrastructure, ressources, greenness, neighbourhood composition

Land use mix, accessibility to local resources including transportation, libraries, community organisations, social composition indicators