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Table 1 Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of the misdiagnosed and accurately diagnosed groups: unadjusted comparisons

From: Characteristics of patients misdiagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and their medication use: an analysis of the NACC-UDS database


Misdiagnosed N = 88

Accurately diagnosed N = 438

Parameter estimate

Unadjusted OR (95% CI)

p value

Sociodemographic characteristics


Age, Mean ± SD

83.52 ± 10.31

78.72 ± 10.27




Years of education, Mean ± SD

14.53 ± 3.56

14.90 ± 3.34




Gender, N,% male

52, 59.09

254, 57.99


0.96 (0.60, 1.52)


Race, N,% minority

5, 5.68

24, 5.48


0.96 (0.36, 2.59)





White, N/%

83, 94.32

414, 94.52




Black, N/%

3, 3.41

17, 3.88


1.14 (0.33, 3.97)


Asian, N/%

1, 1.14

4, 0.91


0.80 (0.09, 7.27)


Other, N/%

1, 1.14

3, 0.68


0.60 (0.06, 5.85)


Unknown, N,%


Marital status, married/living as married, N,%

50, 56.82

311, 71.00


1.86 (1.16, 2.98)


Living alone, N,%

15, 17.05

18, 4.11


0.21 (0.10, 0.43)


Health history and conditions


Family history of dementia


Number of “Other demented relatives,” Mean ± SD

0.41 ± 0.80

0.63 ± 1.20




Father or mother with dementia, N,%

23, 32.86

183, 47.78


1.87 (1.09, 3.20)


Any sibling with dementia, N,%

4, 4.55

8, 1.83


0.39 (0.12, 1.33)


Health history


Cardiovascular condition, N,%

41, 47.13

137, 31.49


0.52 (0.32, 0.82)


Cerebrovascular condition N,%

18, 20.69

66, 15.28


0.69 (0.39, 1.24)


Parkinsonian features, N,%

9, 10.23

39, 8.97


0.86 (0.40, 1.86)


Other neurologic conditions, N,%

17, 20.00

87, 20.67


1.04 (0.58, 1.86)


Medical/metabolic conditions, N,%

80, 90.91

361, 82.61


0.48 (0.22, 1.02)


AD only vs. mixed etiology

56, 63.64

298, 68.04


0.82 (0.51, 1.33)


Living in nursing home, N,%

13, 14.77

85, 19.41


1.39 (0.74, 2.62)


Time since onset of cognitive decline (years)

6.30 ± 3.76

7.81 ± 4.01




Probable AD diagnosis at baseline

65, 73.86

412, 94.06


5.61 (3.02, 10.41)


Severity of cognitive impairment


MMSE, Mean ± SD

19.46 ± 7.66

12.93 ± 9.03




Normal (>24): N,%

22, 25.00

33, 7.53


1.00 (Ref)


Mild (21–24): N,%

23, 26.14

67, 15.30


1.94 (0.95, 3.98)


Moderate (10–20): N,%

24, 27.27

136, 31.05


3.78 (1.89,7.55)


Severe (<= 9): N,%

11, 12.5

137, 31.28


8.30 (3.67, 18.81)


Missing: N,%

8, 9.1

65, 14.84


5.42 (2.18, 13.48)


Functional status


Functional activities questionnaire (FAQ), total score, Mean ± SD,

20.96 ± 8.52

24.52 ± 7.10




Impaired level of functioning, FAQ > =9, N,%

75, 88.24

405, 95.74


3.0 (1.33, 6.75)


Neuropsychiatric symptoms


Neuropsychiatric inventory questionnaire (NPI-Q), total score, Mean ± SD

4.84 ± 4.46

6.18 ± 5.35




Patients with depression and dysphoria (NPI-Q), N,%

16, 20.25

145, 37.08


2.32 (1.29, 4.17)


Severity level for patients with depression and dysphoria (NPI-Q), Mean ± SD

1.56 ± 0.73

1.40 ± 0.62




  1. NOTE: CI = Confidence interval, SD = standard deviation, AD = Alzheimer’s disease; MMSE = Mini Mental Status Examination.