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Table 1 Outline of the adjustments in the Flemish interRAI AC

From: Translation and adaption of the interRAI suite to local requirements in Belgian hospitals




- Birth date

- Name: middle initial

- Admitted from & usual residence

- Marital status

- Current payment sources for inpatient stay

- Wishes or needs related to nourishment or personal hygiene, etc.

- Ethnicity/race


- Contact persons – general practitioner: address, telephone & mobile number

- Primary language


- Contact person: address, relation to patient, telephone and mobile number

- National numeric identifier


- Hearing appliance

- Facility/agency provider number


- Visual appliance

- Date stay began


- Weight at discharge

- Admitted from


- Prescription diet

- Living arrangement


- Treatments: others

- Time spent in emergency room


- Therapy/nursing: nursing services

- Date of surgical procedure


- Therapy/nursing: others

- Reference date of admission assessment


- Advance directive for euthanasia

- Reference date of day 14 assessment


- Advance directive: other

- Reference date of discharge assessment


- Community services: night care

- Primary mode of locomotion: bedbound or confined to chair


- Community services: personal alarm system

- Treatments: intravenous therapy


- Community services: physiotherapy

- Discharge: last day of stay


- Community services: pedicure

- Discharge: discharged to


- Additional section: social support/informal care giver (14 items)



  "Day 14" assessment period replaced with "Reassessment"


    Reassessment of following items:


  Easily distracted


  Episodes of disorganized speech


  Mental functioning varies over the course of the day


  Acute change in mental status from person’s baseline


  Mode of nutritional intake




  Most severe pressure ulcer


    Discharge assessment of following items:


  Community services