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Table 4 Examples of treatment ingredients identified from RCTs included in systematic reviews of inpatient rehabilitation for older adults with unplanned admission to hospital

From: Effect of inpatient rehabilitation treatment ingredients on functioning, quality of life, length of stay, discharge destination, and mortality among older adults with unplanned admission: an overview review

Treatment Component

Treatment ingredient


Organ functions

Strengthening exercise

Quadriceps strengthening, leg extensor strengthening, progressive resistance training with weights, elastic bands, and/or body weight, calisthenics, sit to stand or stair training.

Endurance exercise

Treadmill training, pedal/cycle ergometer, walking programme.

Energy applied to soft tissues

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation, vibrating platforms.

Breathing related exercise/training

Deep breathing, relaxation techniques, pursed lip breathing.

Skills and habits

Repeated practice functions

Active range of motion exercises for the upper and lower limb in lying, sitting, or standing.

Repeated practice activities

ADL training (mobility in bed, sitting and standing, chair to bed transfers, wheelchair to bed/toilet transfers, dressing, bathing, personal hygiene, toilet use), transfer practice.

Repeated exercise rehabilitation

Exercise rehabilitation at an increased frequency.

Changing behaviour

Goals and planning

Action planning, goal setting for target behaviour or target outcome.

Feedback and monitoring

Monitoring outcomes of behaviour without feedback to the participant, self-monitoring through diary entries, feedback during behaviour with modifications as needed e.g., reduce repetitions.

Social support

Group sessions with other patients, sessions with patients and their carers to build confidence in ADL, assistance at mealtimes.

Shaping knowledge

Instructions on how to perform a behaviour in person / with leaflet.

Natural consequences

Information on condition/injury delivered in person with visual aid e.g., leaflet /Xray.

Comparison of behaviour

Demonstration of an exercise/use of equipment.


Restructuring the physical environment e.g., removal of clutter from hallways. Assessment and intervention on social environment. Adding objects to the environment e.g., mobility aids, provision of clocks and calendars.

Other intervention components

Cognitive orientation exercise

Set of questions asked regularly to improve orientation -day, month, year, date, ward, bed number, nurse name.

Team meetings and care planning

Multidisciplinary team meetings of increased frequency for planning.

Discharge planning

Early discharge planning with multidisciplinary team.

Increased medical care

Increased monitoring of pain, provision of oxygen enriched air, increased monitoring for potential complications e.g., pressure ulcers.

Nutritional intervention

Protein-enriched meals, nutritional supplements, assistance at mealtimes.

Early intervention

Early mobilisation (often on day of or after surgery), early start of rehabilitation, early discharge planning, early geriatrician review

Home visit

Pre-discharge home visit by physiotherapy or occupational therapy

  1. ADL activities of daily living