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Table 5 Causes of DRPs identified in geriatric patients admitted from April to July to Medical and Surgical wards of JUMC, Ethiopia, 2017

From: Drug related problems in admitted geriatric patients: the impact of clinical pharmacist interventions

Cause domain (8 categories) total = 466

n (%)

C1: Drug selection causes

252 (54.1)

New indication for drug treatment

91 (36.1)

No indication for drug

52 (20.6)

Inappropriate drug according to guidelines

42 (16.7)


30 (11.9)

Inappropriate duplication of therapeutic

20 (7.9)

Inappropriate combination of drugs, or drugs and food

17 (6.8)

C2: Drug form causes

16 (3.4)

In appropriate drug form

16 (100)

C3: dose selection causes

68 (14.6)

Drug dose too high

46 (67.6)

Drug dose too low

22 (32.4)

C4: treatment duration causes

24 (5.2)

Duration of treatment too long

22 (91.7)

Duration of treatment too short

2 (8.3)

C5: dispensing causes

20 (4.3)

Prescribed drug not available

18 (90)

Prescribing error (necessary information missing)

2 (10)

C6: drug use process causes

57 (12.2)

Drug not administered at all

40 (70.2)

Drug under administered

11 (19.3)

Drug over administered at all

6 (10.5)

C7: patient related causes

22 (4.7)

Patient uses unnecessary drug

7 (31.8)

Patient administered/uses drug in a wrong way

5 (22.7)

Patient cannot afford drug

5 (22.7)

Patient unable to use drug/form as directed

5 (22.7)

C8: other causes

7 (1.5)

No or inappropriate outcome monitoring

7 (100)