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Table 2 Inclusion and exclusion criteria based on the Population, Concept and Context (PCC) framework

From: Understanding the care and support needs of older people: a scoping review and categorisation using the WHO international classification of functioning, disability and health framework (ICF)


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria


Older adults with chronic conditions

Studies were included if they:

• Describe the perspectives of older adults with chronic conditions.

 ο If the study doesn’t mention older adults explicitly, older adults were defined as adults aged 65 or abovea.

 ο Chronic condition was defined as ‘conditions that cannot, at present, be cured but is controlled by medication and/or other treatment/therapies’b.

Focus exclusively on:

• Other age groups (eg. Children) or caregivers or health and social care professionals or any other group OR

• Acute conditions


Need for care and support

Studies were included if they:

• Discuss care and support needs of older adults. This was defined as ‘tasks or challenges faced by older adults in their daily lives that are related to their physical and/or mental illness or condition, and for which they need/want external assistance or support.’ OR

• Describe the lived experience of older adults with chronic conditions OR

• Describe care seeking behaviours of older adults in emergency or primary care

Focus exclusively on:

• The prevalence/incidence of a chronic condition OR

• Disease diagnosis/ aetiology/ clinical management OR

• Development, evaluation or assessment of interventions, services or clinical tools OR

• Determinants of health such as income, social status, education level, employment, genetics, gender, race, biomarkers. OR

• Financial needs such as housing benefits or pension credit


Living at home in the United Kingdom

Studies were included if they:

• Are based in the United Kingdom. AND

• Include participants living in their own homes.

Focus exclusively on:

• Older adults’ experiences in care and residential homes, inpatient clinics or hospitals or other settings such as prison. OR

• Non-UK setting.

  1. aBased on NICE definition of older adults: “people aged 65 or older”. [21]
  2. bLong term conditions can include: “physical and mental health conditions, complex symptoms like pain or frailty, sensory impairment such as hearing or sight loss, or ongoing condition such as learning disability.” [22] Falls and fractures were included in this category as they are usually associated with several chronic conditions (osteoarthritis, frailty, cardiovascular problems etc.) and can lead to prolonged need for care and support [23]