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Table 1 Interview guide

From: Key stakeholders’ views on the quality of care and services available to frail seniors in Canada

1. How are you interested/involved in the care of frail seniors?

2. In your opinion, what, if anything, is different about the provision of care to frail seniors compared to other patients?

3. In your opinion, what are the most important components of quality of care for frail seniors?


What components of healthcare services, resource utilization, models of care are especially important for this population?

4. Do you know of any instances where frail seniors did not receive quality care? If so, why didn’t they receive quality care?


Were there particular things about their health problems that might help explain why they did not receive quality care?

Were there aspects of their psychological health or social environment that might help explain why they did not receive quality care?

Were there aspects of their family environment that might help explain why they did not receive quality care?

Were there things about the establishment in which they received care that might help explain why they did not receive quality care?

5. Imagine a future ten years from now and that your province was well organized to care adequately for frail seniors. What does that future look like to you?


What would high quality care and services look like?

In contrast, what would poor quality care and services look like?