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Table 2 Informal caregivers’ perspectives on health of and medication for oldest-old people – Interview guideline

From: Informal caregivers’ perspectives on health of and (potentially inappropriate) medication for (relatively) independent oldest-old people – a qualitative interview study

I consult you today as a relative of XY. First of all, please tell me about the social environment you share.

Please tell me about the medical history and medical treatment of XY.

Please tell me everything you know about the medication XY is taking.

Please describe, who prescribes these medications and how?

Where does XY get his/her medication from?

Which role do you play concerning XY’s medication intake?

How do read up on XY’s medication and its positive and adverse effects?

What do you expect from XY’s medication?

Due to medication which positive effects does XY report?

Due to medication which adverse effects does XY report?

How does XY cope with adverse effects?

How satisfied is XY with his/her medical treatment und medication effects?

Please tell me about the effects of XY’s medication on his/her mood and activities of daily living.

Please tell me to what extent XY and you were involved in the medical treatment.

Are there any medications prescribed to XY that you consider problematic?

In summary – How do you rate XY medical treatment overall?

Do you want to add something? Are there any important aspects we didn’t talk about so far?