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Fig. 3 | BMC Geriatrics

Fig. 3

From: The increasing burden and complexity of multi-morbidity and polypharmacy in geriatric HIV patients: a cross sectional study of people aged 65 – 74 years and more than 75 years

Fig. 3

a Prevalence of the six drug classes most frequently prescribed for the treatment of NCdD and b prevalence of PP in HIV negative and HIV positive stratified by duration of HIV infection (< 10, 10–20 and > 20 years). Drug classes prevalence (%) and absolute numbers (n) are indicated for HIV negative and HIV positive with different HIV duration groups. Indicated p-value refers to HIV-positive versus HIV-negative comparison. Abbreviations – ASA: acetylsalicylic acid; AntiDepres: antidepressants; BZD: benzodiazepines; ACE; Angiotensin Converting Enzyme inhibitors; BBlock: beta-adrenergic blocking agents; Statine: statins

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