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Table 1 Health Variables and Cut-points for the Frailty Index

From: A standard procedure for creating a frailty index

List of 40 Variables included in the frailty index

Cut Point

Help Bathing

Yes = 1, No = 0

Help Dressing

Yes = 1, No = 0

Help getting in/out of Chair

Yes = 1, No = 0

Help Walking around house

Yes = 1, No = 0

Help Eating

Yes = 1, No = 0

Help Grooming

Yes = 1, No = 0

Help Using Toilet

Yes = 1, No = 0

Help up/down Stairs

Yes = 1, No = 0

Help lifting 10 lbs

Yes = 1, No = 0

Help Shopping

Yes = 1, No = 0

Help with Housework

Yes = 1, No = 0

Help with meal Preparations

Yes = 1, No = 0

Help taking Medication

Yes = 1, No = 0

Help with Finances

Yes = 1, No = 0

Lost more than 10 lbs in last year

Yes = 1, No = 0

Self Rating of Health

Poor = 1, Fair = 0.75, Good = 0.5, V. Good = 0.25, Excellent = 0

How Health has changed in last year

Worse = 1, Better/Same = 0

Stayed in Bed at least half the day due to health (in last month)

Yes = 1, No = 0

Cut down on Usual Activity (in last month)

Yes = 1, No = 0

Walk outside

<3 days = 1, ≤ 3 days = 0

Feel Everything is an Effort

Most of time = 1, Some time = 0.5, Rarely = 0

Feel Depressed

Most of time = 1, Some time = 0.5, Rarely = 0

Feel Happy

Most of time = 0, Some time = 0.5, Rarely = 1

Feel Lonely

Most of time = 1, Some time = 0.5, Rarely = 0

Have Trouble getting going

Most of time = 1, Some time = 0.5, Rarely = 0

High blood pressure

Yes = 1, Suspect = 0.5, No = 0

Heart attack

Yes = 1, Suspect = 0.5, No = 0


Yes = 1, Suspect = 0.5, No = 0


Yes = 1, Suspect = 0.5, No = 0


Yes = 1, Suspect = 0.5, No = 0


Yes = 1, Suspect = 0.5, No = 0


Yes = 1, Suspect = 0.5, No = 0

Chronic Lung Disease

Yes = 1, Suspect = 0.5, No = 0


<10 = 1, 11–17 = 0.75, 18–20 = 0.5, 20–24 = 0.25, >24 = 0

Peak Flow

See Table 2

Shoulder Strength

See Table 2


See Table 2

Grip Strength

See Table 2

Usual Pace

See Table 2

Rapid Pace

See Table 2

  1. The list of health deficit variables included in the FI and how they were coded as deficits.