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Table 2 Studies identified with brain structure (+/− brain function) and muscle structure

From: A systematic review of the evidence that brain structure is related to muscle structure and their relationship to brain and muscle function in humans over the lifecourse



Country and dataset


Study design

Mean age (sd)

Male (%)

Brain structure/Function

Muscle structure


1. Heymsfield et al. [26]




Cross-sectional study

M 45.1 (14.9), F 38.6 (13.7)


Structure: Brain volume transformed into mass using 1.036 g/cm3


Study: Linear regression models found that after adjusting for age and fat mass, FFM predicted brain mass in men (beta 0.023, R2 5%, p = 0.01) and women (beta 0.003, R2 6%, p = <0.0001).

Function: not measured

2. Kilgour et al. [27]


UK, MacLullich Healthy Elderly Men Study


Longitudinal ageing study

73.8 (1.5)


Structure: Whole brain, hippocampal, ventricular, cerebellar volumes and ICV

Neck muscle CSA on MR head scan

Study: Total neck muscle CSA was found to predict 17% of the variance in whole brain volume (t = 2.86, p = 0.01). However, total neck muscle CSA did not significantly predict the variance in ventricular, hippocampal or cerebellar volumes (p > 0.05). Total neck muscle CSA did not significantly predict variance in either the memory factor or the cognitive processing factor (p > 0.05), however, it did predict 10% of the variance in the NART score (t = −2.12, p < 0.05). Adjusting for age, sex, ICV and NART where appropriate.

Function: 9 tests of cognitive function reduced to 2 factors (cognitive processing factor and memory factor)

3. Wetmore et al. [28]


USA, Kansas, Brain Aging Project


2 year observational case–control study (Alzheimer’s dementia vs. non-dementia)

73.0 (7.2)


Structure: MRI for WM, GM, CSF, WBV and ICV

DEXA for lean mass and

ASM (just arms and legs)

Study: none

Function: Logical Memory I & II, Free & Cued Selective Reminding Task, Boston naming test, Verbal fluency, Digit span forward and backward, Letter-number sequencing, Trail making A & B, Stroop color-word test and Block design, MMSE

Calculated: Non-demented group only. WBV, GM volume and hippocampal volume not predicted by TLM adjusting for age, sex and ICV +/− education. WM volume was predicted by TLM (t 3.12, p = 0.003, partial eta squared 14%) adjusting for age, sex and ICV. TLM did not significantly predict global cognitive score or MMSE, adjusting for age and sex. Adjusting for height and education did not affect this.

4. Burns et al. [29]


USA, Kansas, Brain Aging Project


Cross-sectional case–control study (Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) vs. non-dementia)

73.3 (7.3)


Structure: MRI for WM, GM, CSF, WBV and ICV

DEXA for total lean mass

Study: Positive relationship between WBV and TLM when control and AD subjects grouped together (beta = 0.20, p < 0.001), adjusting for ICV, age and sex. This appears to be driven by WM (beta 0.19, p < 0.001) rather than GM (beta 0.06, p = 0.27) States this persists in just the control group but doesn’t give any statistics for this. Positive relationship between MMSE and global cognitive score (composite of the cognitive tests) and lean mass when grouping AD and control subjects together. States that controlling for dementia status attenuates these results, but no specific statistics given. Calculated: See Wetmore et al. (2011) for Kansas Brain Aging Project data analysis.

Function: Logical Memory I & II, Free & Cued Selective Reminding Task, Boston naming test, Verbal fluency, Digit span forward and backward, Letter-number sequencing, Trail making A & B, Stroop color-word test and Block design, MMSE

5. Honea et al. [30]


USA, Kansas, Brain Aging Project

56 healthy controls

Cross-sectional case–control study (Alzheimer’s dementia vs. non-dementia)

73.3 (6.2)


Structure: MRI for GM, WM, CSF, WBV, hippocampal and parahippocampal volumes

DEXA for total lean mass

Study: none

Function: MMSE


Calculated: See Wetmore et al. (2011) for Kansas Brain Aging Project data analysis.

6. Weise et al. [31]


USA, Phoenix


Cross-sectional study

32.1 (8.8)


Structure: MRI brain volumes (GM, WM, CSF, regional GMV)

DEXA, FFMI (FFM/height2)

Study: Fat-free mass index (FFMI) was negatively associated with GMV of the bilateral temporal lobes, ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) (mainly subgenual portion of the ACC) and caudolateral orbitofrontal cortex and unilaterally with the left insular cortex (all p < 0.01). After adjusting for percentage body fat and fat mass, negative associations of FFM with GMV of the right temporal pole and bilateral vmPFC remained. All models adjusted for age, sex and handedness.

Function: not measured

  1. *Associations column key: Study = results published within the study; Calculated = study authors supplied raw data to us and we performed the analysis.