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Table 3 Facilitating and impeding factors during the execution and continuation phase

From: Towards personalized integrated dementia care: a qualitative study into the implementation of different models of case management





Case manager characteristics







Micro level


Large case manager team made it possible to consider individual competences and a differentiated offer of tasks




Increase in experience enabled case managers to discuss clients without the expert team





Case manager with a dual role encounter time restraints and run a burn out risk




Creating additional tasks + increase of caseloads leads to higher work pressure (especially when case managers have dual-jobs). No clear agreements about who is responsible for additional tasks




Individual differences + increase in case manager team makes uniform way of practice difficult




Difficulty hiring case managers with the right qualifications for the job




Increase in case managers means less time per case manager to discuss clients in expert team




Content of case management

Micro level


Protocols that allow case managers to indicate which clients have a priority for nursing home admission





Difficulty to approach expert team when imbedded in an intramural setting and/or when crossing over to a different organization




Health care agencies provide funding for a fixed number of clients but caseloads of case managers often exceed that number




Indistinct quality demands on case manager tasks





No agreement on the content of the care plan and no uniform registration system




Organizational structure

Meso level


Guarding and continuing the integration of case management. Preconditions are: well profiled case management, good collaboration between partners and overall satisfaction of case management by partners





A platform of directors of dementia network partners who can develop new initiatives in case management




Creating a production plan for municipalities to provide insight into what type of care they purchase





No clear referral procedures




Not documenting what happens to responsibilities for organizational tasks on a structural basis




A change in the board or employees in dementia network partners can change their motivation




Collaboration with dementia care partners

Meso level


Transparency about case management practice towards dementia partners




Regular meetings with social psychiatric nurses from Mental Health Care to discuss and solve collaboration issues



Exchanging knowledge between case managers and other disciplines increases cohesion




Using existing collaboration networks to build on, e.g. networks between general practitioners and district nurses




Collaboration with general practitioners, home care and day care centers can be strengthened by being each other's eyes and ears





Partners have difficulty seeing case managers as equivalent to social psychiatric nurses, with whom they have experience




No collaboration between the municipalities and the health care agency





Lack of transparency about division of funding from health care agencies to case management providers




Quality of care

Meso level


Staying focused on individual needs of clients when discussing with care partners




Commitment of the Alzheimer's Association + delegation of patients and case managers






Influence of the government who advocates primary care and care that is not disease specific




As social psychiatric nurses hand over clients and tasks to case managers they lose touch with psychogeriatrics and the social chart even though clients would benefit from good collaboration between case managers and social psychiatric nurses




Referral by case managers based on competing interests of providers instead on what clients need.




Law & legislation/Financing

Meso level


Regions made up the balance too late for an effective transfer of funds from regions with an excess of funds




Financial agreement that case management can only start after diagnosis




Smaller municipalities can easily drop their funding when the pressure rises, creating a gap




Without project funding administrational support for case managers was dropped




Macro level


Pilot funding gave regions space to develop case management (but also caused a diversity in practice)




Part of the financing from Mental Health Care could be adopted for case management



Introduction of the DBC: it included tasks that case managers perform





Redistributing funding across regions by health care agency based on needs of regions





As project funding ended, project leaders and coordination points were omitted




Lack of full insurance cover for case management led to fragmentation of financial support




In some regions diagnostics and treatment are funded by the Health Insurance Act, but not in all of them




DBC does not cover all case management tasks



  1. + = facilitating factor, - = impeding factor, a blank cell means a factor was not extracted from interviews in regions within this model or the Nivel study.