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Table 2 External factors and preconditions before starting the implementation that can influence the implementation process

From: Towards personalized integrated dementia care: a qualitative study into the implementation of different models of case management





Characteristics of case management



Using existing non-dementia case management models as example




Disagreement about content of case manager tasks




Partners do not see the added value of a case manager who only mediates




Speed of implementation depends on mentality and cultural values of the region




Time and other operational preconditions



Sufficient time to set up an organizational structure





Professionals don't have innovation time; consensus among many collaboration partners takes time



No clear guidelines for implementation




Human and financial resources



Retraining district nurses to become case managers facilitates collaboration with the GP as they have pre-existing partnerships



Presence of a clear initiator of the implementation




Proliferation of different types of case managers created friction among providers




Lack of clarity about the role of the project leader (not knowing who is their superior)




Organizational conditions



Embedding case management in Mental Health Care promotes collaboration



Embedding the multidisciplinary expert team in case management organization



Good collaboration between case managers from competitive providers provides the opportunity to learn from each other




Case managers from one provider all working in the same room enhances sparring and consultation




Presence of a Board of Representatives to guide the dementia care network.




Presence of fixed stakeholders at partners in the dementia care network whom case managers can contact





Presence of competitive providers of case management within the dementia care network




Different interests of the Board of Representatives; incomplete attendance during meetings; members without mandate to make decisions.




Expert team doe not function properly; difficult to reach clinicians as members participate only a few hours per week.



Lack of clarity about who is responsible for what aspects of implementation and collaboration




Only incorporating dementia care partners with the strongest pre-existing relationships at the start


  1. + = facilitating factor, - = impeding factor, a blank cell means a factor was not extracted from interviews in regions within this model or the Nivel study.