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Table 2 A model examining the association of baseline harm avoidance with the level and annual rate of change in parkinsonism, adjusting for demographic variables*

From: Harm avoidance is associated with progression of parkinsonism in community-dwelling older adults: a prospective cohort study

Model term

Estimate (S.E., p-Value)

Annual rate of change in parkinsonism (Time)

0.054 (0.007, <0.001)

Harm avoidance and level of parkinsonism

0.0216 (0.005,<0.001)

Harm avoidance X annual rate of change in parkinsonism

0.004 (0.001, <0.001)

Age and level of parkinsonism

0.068 (0.005, <0.001)

Sex and level of parkinsonism

-0.098 (0.080,0.221)

Education and level of parkinsonism

-0.041 (0.011, <0.001)

Age X annual rate of change in parkinsonism

0.005 (0.001, <0.001)

Sex X annual rate of change in parkinsonism

0.0121 (0.015,0.433)

Education X annual rate of change in parkinsonism

0.005 (0.002,0.024)

  1. *Based on a linear mixed effect model. The model coefficients are interpreted with respect to a female participant 80 years old at baseline, with14 years of education and a harm avoidance score of 10. This model shows the cross sectional association of an average baseline harm avoidance score with parkinsonism at baseline as well as the association of the average harm avoidance score with the annual rate of change in parkinsonism . The model has a total of 9 terms listed in the left column. It contained a term which show the annual rate of change of parkinsonism (Time), the cross-sectional association of in the level of harm avoidance with level of parkinsonism (Harm Avoidance) and its association with the rate of change in parkinsonism (Harm avoidance X Rate of change in parkinsonism). In addition, the model also included 6 additional terms to control for the association of demographic variables (age, sex, education) with level of parkinsonism and their interaction with the annual rate of change in parkinsonism. For each term its Estimate (Standard Error, p Value) is shown in the right column.